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王者荣耀,关羽 当战歌响起的时候,我变成了一道光
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e Battle Hymn of the Capricorn King" is a powerful anthem that inspires courage, strength, and determination. As the ruler of the zodiac sign of Capricorn, the King embodies the qualities of hard work, discipline, and perseverance. In times of war and conflict, the King rallies his troops with this stirring hymn, urging them to fight with honor and valor. "We march forward, with heads held high, for victory or death, we do not bend or break!" These words convey the King's unwavering commitment to his cause and his people, as well as his confidence in their abilities. The Battle Hymn of the Capricorn King speaks to the essence of the Capricorn spirit – a steadfast dedication to achieving one's goals through hard work and perseverance, often in the face of great adversity. No matter the obstacles that stand in their way, Capricorns are able to overcome them through sheer force of will and determination. This hymn is a call to arms for all Capricorns, reminding them that they are capable of achieving great things if they remain true to their values and never give up. It is a reminder that even in the darkest times, when all seems lost, the Capricorn King and his army will rise up to face their enemies and emerge victorious. In conclusion, "The Battle Hymn of the Capricorn King" is a powerful anthem that embodies the strength, determination, and perseverance of the Capricorn spirit. It is a call to arms for all those who share in this spirit, inspiring them to fight with honor and valor, and to never give up even in the face of adversity.王者战歌



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